Підтримаємо Україну!
Дух змагань завжди допомагає створити кращий продукт та запропонувати клієнту більшу цінність. Саме тому нам дуже шкода втрачати такого сильного конкурента як Trassir, з яким ми одночасно конкурували та співпрацювали на деяких проектах.
Проте ми розуміємо, що багато українських компаній наразі опинились в заручниках у російського софту, без змоги подальшого апгрейду чи сервісу і тому готові запропонувати всім, хто опинився в такій ситуації безболісно перейти на український продукт. Ми пропонуємо безкоштовну заміну існуючого ПО Trassir на ПО INNI при купівлі нових модулів для існуючих проектів або запуску нових.
Така співпраця дозволить підтримати співвітчизників та українську економіку в цілому. Тож якщо вас зацікавила пропозиція, не зволікайте! Телефонуйте нам для обговорення деталей
Our technical director Victor Shkilny told to AgroIT Forum about the possibilities of control and automation of processes with the help of INNI products.
If you are interested in learning more, but have not been able to listen to the speech, do not worry! You can always contact us by phone!
Ensuring security at the site is now even easier thanks to the integration of Ajax Systems with INNI!
How it works:
INNI receives Ajax alarm;
analyzes from which sensor the signal came;
turns on the camera, capturing what is happening;
displays processed information in an intuitive user-friendly interface.
After that, security officers must leave a comment on each event, so as not to miss the danger, and fixing the time allows you to control the quality of work.
The system allows not only to respond quickly to an alarming event, but also to capture the case of the system on photos and videos.
Have you heard anything about aruko markers?
People who haven't dealt with virtual reality software may at first think it's anime-related, but they have nothing to do with it. After all, aruko markers were created in Spain to solve the problem of estimating the orientation of the camera when used in various applications, including for augmented reality.
So we decided that if aruc markers can track the position of an object or even a person, why not use them with INNI video analytics and help many businesses
Thanks to our new development you can:
monitor the presence of vehicles in a certain area;
calculate the speed of movement on the territory;
separate employees from customers if only visitors need to be counted;
find out whether the employee has violated the rules and instructions.
The key advantage of aruko markers is the ability to detect and recognize at a distance, so they can be used in warehouses, shops, small premises, and in large industries and agricultural complexes.
In today's world, where partnership is rapidly displacing competition, nothing can be more fruitful than integration! That is why we have recently been actively working on integrations with the most reputable and competent companies in our segment. And in addition to the already existing integrations with APOLLO and FortNet, U-PROX is added to our list!
How does it work? The controller receives information from the reader and transmits it to the access control workstation. From there, INNI collects all events, displaying them in a user-friendly interface, and enables:
confirm events with photos and videos;
search by filter;
give an alarm signal;
analyze sequences.
But we do not stop there and are already working on integration with Security Expert from Schneider Electric. It's even more interesting, so stay tuned for our news!
Can unregulated pedestrian crossings in the area of active traffic be safe? Especially in the evening and at night, when pedestrians become almost invisible ?! With INNI- everything is possible
As part of a municipal project in one of the cities of Kazakhstan, we implemented a safe transition. What is it and how does it work?
Mobotix cameras aimed at the crossing area and the INNI intelligent module determine the presence and exact location of the pedestrian on the road. INNI processes the received information and on this basis includes lighting on that lane on which the pedestrian moves. It's hard not to notice a person moving with the backlight on, right?
In addition, the cameras monitor the directions of two-lane traffic and recognize numbers, and in case of violation of the speed limit - the analytical module sends a signal to the monitoring center and records the violation.
And of course, all the information is recorded and stored in an archive that can be easily filtered according to specified criteria.
That would be all the transitions in the world!