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How to prevent fraud at the cash register

the cash transaction control module

How to control the cashier?

Cash register fraud, committed by both cashiers and shoppers, is one of the most pressing problems in retail. Store owners everywhere face the following negative situations:


1. Cashiers give unauthorized discounts to their acquaintances or even to themselves, which leads to a decrease in the price of goods and to losses for the store.

2. The employee at the cash register does not punch a part of the goods, allowing the buyer to pick them up without payment.

3. The buyer pays for the excess product (for example, instead of two chocolates, the buyer pays for three, and then the cashier takes the third one).

4. The goods are weighed and sold as a more expensive item, and the difference in price in one way or another goes into the cashier's pocket.

5. Shoppers can self-serve with intentional errors by scanning the barcode of a cheaper item.

6. Banknote manipulation fraudsters can induce the cashier to give more change than necessary.

7. Cashiers do not give change.


The losses for stores due to fraud at the checkout can be significant. According to The New York Times, cashiers who manipulate the conditions of loyalty programs for customers empty the wallets of the owners of retail chains by 1 billion dollars in a year.

Various measures are taken to prevent financial losses. Somewhere the actions of the cashiers are watched by a security guard standing nearby, somewhere this function is entrusted to the video surveillance operator. However, even in this case, it is impossible to rule out inattention and even collusion.

The INNI company offers a revolutionary solution to the problem. A specialized event control module in the checkout area makes it possible to minimize losses caused by the fault of cashiers and customers. This module works in close integration with cash terminals and video surveillance systems, forming a comprehensive reporting base on each operation.

Functions of the cash operations control module

Retail is interested in quality customer service. Only the cashier benefits from fraud at the cash register. Eliminating a fraudulent channel can save a store a lot of money. The use of the cash operations control module, developed by INNI company, effectively solves this problem by detecting suspicious and fraudulent actions by employees and customers.

Let's list its functions:

1. Information about transactions at the cash register is superimposed on the video stream coming from surveillance cameras. Such synchronization allows you to monitor the actions of the cashier and the buyer online, as well as to restore events later, if investigation is needed.

2. If the buyer appeals with a complaint, the module allows you to immediately find the relevant record based on several parameters : check data, amount, specific cashier or product.

3. The module draws the attention of the video surveillance operator to events related to the sale of goods from the "risk group". If a suspicious event is detected, the platform can immediately notify the responsible persons by sending a message via e-mail, SMS or chat.

Everything that happens in the cash register area is broadcasted on the screens of the monitoring post with superimposed data of cash transactions, which allows you to react instantly to critical events. Operational decisions are made at all levels: the security, having received a command from the operator, can stop the buyer and check the position of the check, the management representatives, who learned about a suspicious event at the cash register via chat or SMS, can temporarily close the service point until the circumstances are clarified.

A holistic view of the customer service process in the checkout area opens up rich opportunities for preventing fraud in real time and during the investigation of erroneous actions discovered later. Information from various sources, concentrated on the screen, allows you to resolve conflicts with customers without reputational damage to the company, and to identify dishonest employees who harm the company.


Cash operations controlling module advantages

Effective service at the checkout is of great importance for the success of any retail business. It is not surprising that more and more companies are concentrating both on the flawlessness of cash operations and on what happens in the cashier area.

The video analytics module allows you to identify bottlenecks in the service process in general and optimize them. For example, a long wait in line at the checkout can negatively affect the customer's overall impression of the store. Analyzing data on the time spent on each transaction allows you to speed up service and reduce queues. Quick and correct checkout creates a positive impression and increases the likelihood that the customer will return again.

Video recording of the service process at the checkout provides rich data about purchases and customer behavior. Analyzing this data can lead to valuable insights into customer preferences, the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and even product optimization. Careful control of the service process allows you to identify areas where employees need additional training. This helps to maintain a high standard of service and ensure that every employee has the necessary skills to work effectively at the till.

Constant striving to improve the service process at the checkout allows retailers to achieve the highest quality standards and fully meet the expectations of modern consumers. Get the most out of our advanced video analytics module! Take your checkout area to a new level of control and efficiency with INNI's innovative product. This technology will allow you not only to monitor every operation, but also to get valuable data from every event.

The INNI video analytics module for cash operations monitoring  is designed with maximum ease of use in mind. The intuitive interface allows you to quickly get used to the functionality, and our support team is always ready to help you. You'll be able to track every transaction, every return, cashier and customer behavior, giving you full control over your product and cash flow and helping you spot any anomalies. Our system will immediately notify you of any potential violations or unusual events, allowing you to take immediate action.

Do not miss the opportunity to increase security, efficiency and control over the checkout area. Gain confidence in every transaction and see your business from a new angle. Integrate the video analytics module today, and you'll see real results tomorrow!

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